For over 25 years, the Certified Building Code Official (CBCO) designation has stood for an exceptional industry standard of knowledge and competency throughout Ontario.
Designation as a Certified Building Code Official (CBCO) is voluntary enhancement to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MMAH) qualification examination requirements signifying a level of competency above the legislated baseline. To achieve CBCO designation, an OBOA member must complete prescribed minimum levels of examination, education and experience.
When a Government Member has completed the required training, yet lacks the requisite experience component, or an Associate Member has completed the required training, the professional designation Building Code Qualified (BCQ) is available.
Ensure you have what you need to achieve certification and avoid delays in certification approvals.​
Ongoing professional development is crucial to advancing the Building Official profession and Ontario’s construction industry.
The OBOA’s Continuing Professional Development Program (CPDP) is a requirement for certified members to maintain their designations and is rich in both technical and leadership training. We aim to cultivate well-rounded Building Officials who are technically savvy and have excellent communication and leadership skills for the construction site and within administrative settings.

Certified Members
Explore OBOA members who have achieved CBCO or BCQ designation.